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The Georges-Skelly Family Reunion Island 2009-2010

February 2010

Hello George,

We've been on Reunion Island for 9 years now.(Réunion Island -a French Overseas territory- in the Indian Ocean 500 miles East of Madagascar.) Brendan at university 2nd year law degree, Guillaume passed his Baccalaureat and German abitur exam last year and is studying in France preparing for entrance exams to France's Ecoles Supérieur.He's quite interested in journalism but hasn't decide firmly on a career yet.The twins are now 11 and have started secondary school. Michel and I reached the big half century mark recently.Here's hoping the next 50 years will be as good! Also forwarded 2 photos of my family. Raphaëlle, Brendan, Michel and me ,Guillaume and Sophie. and Michel and me with my cousin Neil (Stuart's 2nd son) and his wife andrea. They visited us at new Year. it was wonderful having more Skelly's on Reunion Island. Love Sheila.

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